Your business in the palm of your hand.

Increase the productivity and speed of your processes by applying more mobility to your business with the SAP mobile methodology.

Count on Escotta to implement the best mobile technologies available, quickly, easily and cheaply, in all sectors of your company, from finance to management.

Build Custom Apps

  • Android & iOS Apps;
  • Designed and prototyped for your business.

Use the Escotta Cloud

  • Hosting services for applications;
  • App x SAP integration;
  • Access control;
  • Advanced services (crawlers, image recognition, among others).

+ Mobility with SAP Fiori

Customize and simplify the user experience through SAP Fiori apps.

Use of mobility solutions integrated with your SAP S/4HANA:

  • Standard and Custom Applications;
  • Robust integration and access infrastructure.

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Preencha seus dados abaixo para falar com um consultor.

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Curitiba PR • São Paulo SP • Joinville SC

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